Proprioceptive Training


Those involved in the physical therapy field have been discussing the link between core strength and better balance for years. When the “core” muscles around your trunk are strong, they are able to prevent harmful chronic conditions, such as lower back pain, balance and gait disorders, and a large number of injuries. A stronger core will help to keep you upright – especially as you age and begin increasing your risk of falling.

The term “proprioception” refers to one’s positional awareness of their body and its movements. Proprioception therapy works on strengthening certain areas of the body, especially the core, in order to improve positional awareness. For more information on how proprioception therapy can benefit you, contact KRU PT + Performance Lab today!


There are three systems in your body that help to control your balance: The vestibular system, the visual system, and the proprioceptive system. All three systems must work together in harmony in order for you to achieve optimum balance and strength. While proprioception therapy touches upon all three, it focuses most closely on the proprioceptive system.

The vestibular system refers to the liquid in your inner ear that functions as a sort of “carpenter’s balance,” in order to keep you level. If you’ve ever felt dizzy, it generally means that the liquid in the vestibular system is a little bit off-balance. 

The visual system refers to the messages that your brain and eyes send to each other, in order to help you see. Your eyes send signals to your brain about your position in relation to the world around you. 

The proprioceptive system is the one that involves your core. Proprioception nerves are sensory nerves that situate throughout the body. They make you aware of your posture and aware of spatial things around you. By strengthening the core through proprioceptive therapy, the sensory nerves are able to gain a better awareness of your posture, balance, and surroundings.

In order to stay balanced, one must have equilibrium in all three systems. A weak core is one element that can make you feel off-balance and cause you to fall down.


When many people think of core muscles, they immediately picture the abs – but there are so much more! In fact, there are two separate groups of core muscles: the inner core and the outer core. 

The inner core muscles are attached to your spine and they help to stabilize your core. The outer core muscles work in conjunction with the inner core muscles whenever you need to move your body from point A to point B – or, essentially to do most physical activities. 

When we think of “core stability,” we are thinking of the inner core muscles. When we think of “core strength,” we are thinking of the outer core muscles. Engaging in proprioception therapy will help you to train both your inner and outer core muscles, in order to achieve better balance and movement.


Reactive Neuromuscular Training